Caddo Mills FFA
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Career Development Events

Veterinary Science:
This event promotes career and post-secondary readiness by providing opportunities to develop knowledge and demonstrate skills in the field of veterinary science.  

Horse Evaluation: 
This event allows member to stimulate the study of interest in equine science selection, management and production through the agricultural education curriculum. Students must learn the anatomical parts of the horse, as well as the internal and skeletal structure. In addition, students make observations, apply analytical and decision - making skills. 

Livestock Evaluation: 
This event is designed to teach students desirable traits of livestock today. Students must observe details, see individual animals in the context of a class and make generalizations of individual traits to the industry, be knowledgeable of external anatomy, market and performance standards, and performance data, breed character, make logical decisions and use generally accepted industry terminology.  

Meats Evaluation: 
Students will develop skills needed in the meat animal industry. During the event, members will evaluate meat carcasses for quality and yield grade. Evaluating various meat cuts and identifying wholesale and retail cuts. 

For more information about Career Development Events visit the Texas FFA website at:


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